Saturday, March 15, 2014

Snow Day Poker Pie

I made this tasty crustacean on one of our more recent snow days (probably about a month ago - shame shame negligent blogger). My husband was home from work to run interference with the children. The fact that we had some dudes coming over for poker that night added some extra motivation. It's always nice to have a few extra mouths to help eat a big pie. A pie is occasionally too much of an edible commitment when you only have two pie eaters in the house. I made the extra buttery crust again with this one - soooooooo good. And the topping came out crispity crunchety (that's a technical term). I also got to sit in for a few rounds of poker; my straight flush took a nice pot of money on one hand. Apple Crumb Pie - it's a win every time! Click here for the recipe. My substitutions are as follows: I used my own crust recipe (the one that involves an entire stick of butter); I used 3 T. of a mixture of fresh orange and lemon juice for the acid/liquid (frozen leftovers from the last one of these pies I made); I baked it for an hour and 10 minutes, because I used a large deep dish.

Current Pie Tally: 136

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